You are here: Add/Edit Listings > Add Listing Overview

Add Listing Overview

Use Add Listing to enter public listings in the MLS listing database. You can also enter private listings in your office's private database. See "Listing Detail Edit Form". for more information.

Public Record Link

With the exception of co-ops and listings that fall outside of Nassau, Suffolk, Queens, and Kings/Brooklyn; when you create a new listing, the linked public record becomes a starting point, allowing the system to auto-fill some of the listing information. In addition to simplifying the listing process, the public record link creates a link from the listing detail form to the public record, and from the public record detail form to the listing. The link also provides valuable information about the property's listing history.

To establish the link between a new listing and a public record, Add Listing includes a Link Listing to Public Record search. After you select the appropriate public record from search results, the system displays the information it will auto-fill. You can revise the information without affecting the public record itself, or exclude any field. Once the system transfers the edited public record information to the new listing, enter the remainder of the listing information at the Listing Detail Edit Form.

It is possible to add a listing without a public record link. However, this is not desirable and should only be considered if, after exhausting all search options, a public record cannot be found.


Because it is not always practical to enter listing data in a single session, the system creates a draft for each new listing. You can add information to the draft over a number of sessions, but be sure to do so quickly; check with the MLS regarding the number of days drafts remain available.

As you enter information, the system auto-saves your draft once every minute; the system also saves the draft when you leave Add/Edit. You may prefer to click the Save Draft action to be sure the draft is saved. To return to the draft, click the Draft tab, where a list of your drafts displays.

Once you complete all listing information, click Submit to add the listing.


Data Entry


Moves to next field.


Enlarges the Stratus MLS window by removing the browser toolbar.

Reset Action

Restores all fields to the last-loaded defaults.

Help for Data Fields

Click any field label for a dialog box that shows an explanation of the field and information about the type of value you should enter. Click off the dialog box to close pop-up help.

Required Fields

The system indicates required fields with a blue asterisk (*). If you submit a listing before completing all required fields, the system displays an alert for the first required field that is empty, flagging the field label in red. Enter the information, then resubmit the listing until the system accepts it.

A complete list of all required fields that are empty, along with incorrect values displays, displays in red at the bottom of the form. Click any alert to go directly to the field that needs correction.

Data Entry Errors

The system helps prevent incorrect entry in certain fields. For example, at price fields you cannot enter a non-numeric character. The system rejects dollar signs, commas, and periods and deletes these characters as you enter them.

At other fields, the system flags errors when you press Tab or click away from a field. For example, an alert displays when you move to another field after entering an expiration date earlier than the listing date. The system flags the field label in red and requires that you change the data before you submit the listing.


You can enter dates in the following formats:

Date Format: 6/30/2007; 6/3/11; June 30, 2011; 6/30; 6-30.

Today Format: T (today's date); T+1 (tomorrow's date); T-1 (yesterday's date); T+90 (three months from today). Type T or t; the system accepts both upper and lower case.

Responsive Data Fields

The system sometimes customizes input fields depending on your entry at an earlier field.

Dependent Data Fields

Some fields are dependent on your entry at another field. For example, when you select a Town, the system allows only valid Zips for that Town.

Clear Entries

To clear your entries, click the Reset action.

Navigate Fields

Press the Tab key to move from field to field, or click the mouse at the desired field.

You can scroll through the form or click the tabs at the top of the form to jump to a particular section of the Listing Detail Edit Form.

Photos and Attachments

Add and manage photos and attachments in the "Listing Detail Edit Form". The Upload action is available at both sections.

See also...

About Add/Edit Listing

Add Listing

Listing Detail Edit Form


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Help for Stratus MLS, v3.18.4 October 22, 2013

Copyright 2013 Stratus Data Systems, Inc.